The Emergence of Hope: A New Human Consciousness for Our Time

In these difficult days of crisis and conflict, there is an emerging human consciousness that recognizes the value and potential of every person. This consciousness lays bare the inequities embedded in our society due to systems of economic exploitation, racism, caste, political corruption, etc. It also recognizes the threat climate change poses to our very existence.

This human consciousness is the overarching reality that provides focus and energy for the movement toward a just and flourishing human community. There is enormous energy in this new human consciousness. The Human Community Network has a strategic role in that movement.

The role of the Human Community Network is to help channel that energy into developing new social systems. This is a creative endeavor calling for a new consensus about what is needed for our future by enabling the connecting of individuals and organizations to articulate the consensus of their thinking. You are invited to join in the creation and deployment of that new consensus.*

*Human Community Network, Collegium Consult of 2020

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