The Movement We Are Building

Systemic change is possible… We are currently living in the result of a vision and plan for systemic change that has brought widening gaps between the rich and the poor, climate injustice and environmental degradation, massive amounts of money and corporate control in the political process, permanent wars, record incarceration rates, growing economic corruption, greater divisions among people of different races and religions, a breakdown of civil discourse and civic participation, unequal access to healthcare, privatization of the public sphere, and an underfunded public education system. Yes, systemic change is possible.

Now is the time and we are the people to be a part of a movement that is working for a different kind of systemic change – a movement that is working for greater equity among all people, climate justice and ecological regeneration and restoration, a more participatory democracy, creative peacemaking, recovery of lost human resources through restorative justice, celebration of interdependent community and diversity, recognition of healthcare as a human right, basic public services for the flourishing of all, and a public education system that will benefit the entire human community. Yes, systemic change is possible, and this is the movement that the Human Community Network is building.

In the Human Community Network, we are building a movement in Oklahoma and beyond towards a transparent and regenerative economic system that is for the sake of the entire human community and that protects and cares for our ecological community. We are a building a movement that fosters the participation of all people in civic and political processes so that all have a seat at the table of justice. We are building a movement that celebrates our interdependence with one another in a beautifully diverse community. We are building a movement towards a Beloved Community. Yes, systemic change for a more just, peaceful, participatory, and sustainable community is possible, but only if we work together, and we need your help.   Please join us and support our work for systemic transformation in Oklahoma and beyond.

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